Camera View
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Firing The Lazerblade
First-Person View
Human Plus Enhancements
Secret Item Locations
Item Location
1. Destroy plus escapee: On a ledge of the building about 3 levels down.
2. Guard wharf warehouse: Turn around at the start and steal the radar you are guarding.
3. Destroy fuel depot: In the 2nd room on the shelf at the back, destroy the fuel canisters, then go up there and search the rear corner.
4. Retake air cleaner: Inside a grate on the ceiling.
5. Kill struggle leader: At the bottom of the area where the floor explodes, search the rear of the floor of the chasm.
6. Exterminate organisms: Search the rear of the queen's chamber.
7. Guard freight train: Destroy one of the boxes at the loading area.
8. Destroy intruders: In a niche under the topmost bridge.
9. Guard factory entrance: In a "RED" corner of the map.
10. Secret factory recon: In a "RED" corner of the map.
11. Eliminate strikers: At the start, turn around and destroy one of the armored cars.
Unlimited EP, Leg WP, And Core WP