Twisted Metal 3

Auger Passwords

  • Washington DC -- R1, R1, Select,
                                                   Hangar 18 -- X, Start, X, Up, L1 
                                                   North Pole -- Select, R1, Left, Left,
                                                   London -- Right, Right, R1, R1,
                                                   Tokyo -- Down, R1, L1, X, Right 
                                                   Egypt -- R2, Start, R2, Right, Right 
                                                   Blimp -- Triangle, L1, Triangle,
                                                   Right, Circle 

    Axel Passwords

  • North Pole -- X, Triangle, Square,
                                                   R2, X 
                                                   Washington D.C. -- L1, Square,
                                                   Triangle, Right, Up 
                                                   London -- Up, L2, Circle, Square,
                                                   Tokyo -- Up, Triangle, Select, Right,
                                                   Egypt -- Left, Up, L1, Up, R2 
                                                   Blimp -- L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle 

    Club Kid Passwords

  • Washington DC -- Down, X, Up, Right, Down Hangar 18 -- R2, Right, O, L2, L1 North Pole -- Triangle, O, Down, Triangle, X London -- Square, Right, Square, Square, Up Tokyo -- O, R2, Start, Right, R2 Egypt -- Right, Right, Down, R2, X Blimp -- L1, Circle, Start, Triangle, Left

    Firestarter Passwords

                                                   Washington DC -- Left, R2, Select,
                                                   L1, Up 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- L1, R2, X, Left, Down
                                                   North Pole -- O, R2, R1, R1, R2 
                                                   London -- Select, R1, Right, Square,
                                                   Tokyo -- Start, R2, Right, L2, Start 
                                                   Egypt -- Down, Select, X, Triangle,
                                                   Blimp -- L2, L2, L, Square, R1 

    Flower Power Passwords

  • Blimp -- Select, Left, R1, R2, Left

    Get 8 Specials

  • In the Hanger 18 level, destroy all four control panels and enter the warp inside the UFO. Wait a while on top and you'll see a UFO flying around. Shoot it down and you'll get 8 specials.

    Hammerhead Passwords

  • Blimp -- Square, Up, Up, Start, Left

    Hidden Weapons

  • Egypt's Eve
    In egypt at the Pyramid there is a tomb leaning on the outer side of the pyramid, use your machine guns to blow this up. Now you should see an opening to the Pyramid, enter it. You should see another tomb, blow that up too. You should now see a warp, enter it and you will find yourself ontop of the pyramid. you should see alittle spining pyramid if so get that. It is a special weapon you use it like a remote bomb. When you detonate it a strike will come from the sky and zap it anybody near it will feel it's effects. If you return to the top of the pyramid every once and a while it will be there again.

    Tokyo's Radar Dish
    In Tokyo go to where the big fan is. Now go up the ramp with the two bumpers on the side of it. You should see another jump straight ahead of you, if so use your turbos (if necessary, fast cars like firestarter and spectre don't need to) to get across then get any weapons you may want there but then you should see a ramp going to another level, take that up. Then when your up there there will be a jump back up then go off it with your turbos (firestarter and spectre don't use too much because you might go too far) then when you land on the next roof top use your E-brake (which is X) to stop then get the weapons there, you should see a radar dish just over the jump. Then you should use your turbos to get it. If you have it select it then watch the big satillite until it points to an enemy then fire the dish. A huge lazor should strike the opponent and cause great damage.

    Last Level Tip

  • On the last level you must shoot all switches before your enemies will die for real. If you don't they will come back to life. Shoot all the switches than the big switch (located on the upper level in that red place.) Shoot this and youre in business.

    Minion Passwords

  • Washington D.C. -- up, start, down,
                                                   L1, square 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- left, R1, select, circle,
                                                   North Pole -- L1, start, R2, down,
                                                   London -- circle, R1, triangle, L1,
                                                   Tokyo -- select, start, R1, L2, X 
                                                   Egypt -- start, L1, right, R1, R1 
                                                   Calypso's Blimp -- down, X, square,
                                                   down, select

    Mr. Grimm Passwords

  • Washington D.C. -- Down, Down,
                                                   Start, R2, Circle 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- R2, X, Triangle,
                                                   Down, Right 
                                                   North Pole -- Triangle, Down, Right,
                                                   R2, R2 
                                                   London -- X, X, Square, Circle,
                                                   Tokyo -- Down, L2, Select, Select,
                                                   Egypt -- Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1 
                                                   Blimp -- Left, Right, L1, Right, L2

    Outlaw 3 Passwords

  • Washington D.C. -- Triangle, Select,
                                                   Down, Circle, L1 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- Square, L1, R2, R2,
                                                   North Pole -- Start, Circle, Right,
                                                   Up, L2 
                                                   London -- Up, R2, Triangle, Select,
                                                   Tokyo -- Left, Right, Up, Circle, X 
                                                   Egypt -- L1, R2, X, Left, Start 
                                                   Blimp -- Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2 

    Play as Minion

  • To play as Minion press L1, Up, Up, Down, Left at the character selection screen.

    Play as Sweet Tooth

  • To play as Sweet Tooth, enter the passwod Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Start.

    Roadkill Passwords

  • Hanger 18 -- Down, L2, Start,
                                                   Right, Select 
                                                   North Pole -- R2, Select, Triangle,
                                                   R2, Up 
                                                   London -- Triangle, L2, Right,
                                                   Triangle, L2 
                                                   Tokyo -- Square, Select, Square,
                                                   Select, Triangle 
                                                   Egypt -- Left, L2, Start, Square, R1 
                                                   Blimp -- Right, Square, Left, Start,

    Save Game Settings

  • To activate the memory card in TM3 go to the password screen and enter start 5 times. Set all your settings how you like them and begin a game. Just before the game begins you will be prompted to save.

    Secret Level - Warehouse

  • In the password screen type Up, Up, Up, Left, Left.

    It will go back to the main menu as though nothing happened. Now go to deathmatch, select a car and ANY stage. You will automatically start in the warehouse.

    Secret Weapons

  • North Pole:

    Lightning - Go to the teleporter on the upper level and you will be transported to Santa's place, destroy his house and you will find the lightning item. Lure everyone into Santa's place, run out of there to the far end of the stage and use the item.


    UFO- Go to the raised level outside of the arena and travell around it till you find a large area with a red light on the front wall and destroy it, countinue along the outside and do the same for the three remaining openings. find the road on the lower arena and head into the ship into a teleporter. After teleporting, turn around and destroy the glass dome and grab the UFO item. Use it right away!(its a lethal weapon)


    Lightning- Go to the temple at one of the far ends of the stage and blow open the entrance. Head down the tunnel into the main room and destroy the pilar in the center and grab the lightning item. Lure everyone into the temple, run out and use the item.

    Eve- Go to the pyramid at the far end of the stage and destroy the pilar in the front of it, reaveling an underground passage. Go through the tunnel and into a room with a coffin. Destroy the coffin and get the pyramid-shaped item. Lay one nearby an enemy, run away, and detonate it.(does pretty massive damage)


    Radar- Go to the roof with the big radar dish on it and find the ramp on the end of the roof. Use your turbo and jump the ramp and onto the next roof. go left up an incline and turn left again, you should see another ramp. Head straight up the ramp, using turbo, and jump to another ramp on a roof. If you aim correctly of the ramp you should get the item. Go off the roof where the dish is located and use the item.


    Lightning- Go to the lower level and into one of the two passages that takes you to a road closed wall, destroy the wall and head through the tunnel until you find another road closed wall. Destroy this wall and go up to the blue room with a pack of missles, a full health pack, a teleporter, and a lightning item. Use the item in either that blue room or the red room on the upper level.

    Special Moves

  • Freeze Missile - While in battle press
                                                   High Jump - While in battle press
                                                   Rear Fire - While in battle press
                                                   Invisibility - While in battle press

    Spectre Passwords

  • Washington D.C. -- Up, Triangle,
                                                   Down, Right, L1 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- Left, Up, Square, R1,
                                                   North Pole -- L1, Triangle, L2, X,
                                                   London -- Circle, Up, Left, Circle,
                                                   Tokyo -- Select, R1, R1, Right, R2 
                                                   Egypt -- Start, Start, Up, R2, Circle 
                                                   Blimp -- Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2 

    Thumper Passwords

  • Washington D.C -- R2, Triangle,
                                                   Left, Down, L2 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- Square, R1, R2, Circle
                                                   North Pole -- Select, Square, R1,
                                                   R2, Circle, Square 
                                                   Tokyo -- Start, Start, Select, Up, L1
                                                   Egypt -- L2, Start, Right, Left,
                                                   Blimp -- R1, R1, X, L1, Start 

    Warthog Passwords

  • Washington D.C. -- Select, L1, Left,
                                                   Start, Left 
                                                   Hangar 18 -- Start, L1, Right, R1,
                                                   North Pole -- Down, L1, Start, L2,
                                                   London -- Triangle, Triangle, Start,
                                                   Tokyo -- Down, R1, L1, X, Right 
                                                   Egypt -- Square, Square, Start, L1,
                                                   Blimp -- R2, L2, Down, X, Left 

    Zombie Tunes

  • To listen to rocking tunes from Rob Zombies and others as well as the voiceovers simply pop TM3 into any normal audio CD player and skip to track #2.